The Foundation of Media Professionals condemns the daylight murder of Din Raat channel reporter Shantanu Bhowmik
The Foundation of Media Professionals condemns the daylight murder of Din Raat channel reporter Shantanu Bhowmik, 28, in Tripura on Wednesday. According to various news reports from the state, Bhowmik was killed while reporting from Mandai in the state where a mob of Indigenous People's Front of Tripura supporters had gathered. This group had clashed with cadres of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)'s tribal wing, the Ganamukti Parishad. The Hindustan Times and IANS, quoting police sources, reported that IPFT members were responsible for the murder, and said four of them had been arrested.
Northeast India has long been a zone of impunity where various militant groups have threatened, attacked, and often killed journalists trying to do their jobs. Even political parties and security forces are known to intimidate journalists in the many conflict zones that dot the region.
We call upon all groups to ensure safety of mediapersons going about their jobs.
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, President
Manoj Mitta, Director
Samrat Choudhury, Convener (Northeast India)

Mumbai Press Club
Article posted on 21/09/2017
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