Redink Awards Institutes New Category Of ‘Women’s Empowerment And Gender Equality’
-- Journalists requested to rush entries as closing date nears --
MUMBAI, 22 February:The first round of individual entries for the National RedInk Awards for Excellence in Journalism, 2018 are closing on 15 March. Journalists with a great video or print story are invited to send in their work early to beat the deadline.
Responding to requests from previous years, the organisers, the Mumbai Press Club, has introduced a new category of awards – ‘Women Empowerment and Gender Equality’. The award has been introduced to bring the spotlight on the struggle of women against gender exploitation, as well as to encourage writing on the plight of the girl child and the denial of proper nourishment, education and other opportunities only because of her sex.
The winning entry in each category will be awarded a total cash prize of Rs. 1 Lakh, a trophy and a citation. The Awards will be given away at a special function on 18 May, at the JamshedBhaba Hall, of the National Centre for Performing Arts (NCPA).
To encourage city reporting and coverage of local issues, a new category was introduced last year called the ‘Mumbai Star Reporter’s Award’. It will be part of the line-up this year too.
The ‘Women’s Empowerment’ Awards are one among 11 categories of awards covering writing and broadcast stories published in calendar 2017 in the print, web and television medium. For details on the categories and how to enter, applicants are requested to log on to: www.mumbaipressclub.com.
The RedInk Awards follows a rigorous process of selection which includes the constitution of a special jury in each of the categories to short-list and choose the winning entries.
To identify the best stories, and raise the bar for the section process, the Mumbai Press Club has made a special appeal to editors of print and broadcast networks to identify, nominate and enter their best stories in the year gone by.
Some of India’s best journalists – Vinod Mehta, N Ram, MrinalPande, KuldipNayyar, Dr Prannoy Roy, RajkamalJha, Ravish Kumar T N Ninanand Vinod Dua – have been among the recipients of the RedInk Award for ‘Lifetime Achievement’ or ‘Journalist of the Year’; and we expect to continue the record of choosing the best and the bravest.
Dharmendra Jore

Mumbai Press Club
Article posted on 23/02/2018
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