Free ‘Lung’ check up along with General Health check up camp

Dear Members,
After liver check up, it’s time to get your lung checked…
According to experts -city’s toxic air has led to a sharp increase in cases of coughing, breathlessness, allergies and other respiratory ailments.
It is in this context, Mumbai Press Club and Wockhardt hospital will jointly organise a Free ‘Lung’ check up along with General Health check up camp on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at Press Club, between 10 am to 5.30 pm.
The tests includes -
·        PFT- (Pulmonary Function Test),
·        BMI (Body Mass Index)
·        CBC (Complete blood count)
·        ECG (If recommended)
·        RBS (Random Blood Sugar)
·        Liver profile,
·        Kidney profile
·        Doctors’ consultations
No need of fasting for the above mentioned tests.
In the camp Wockhardt hospital will provide a complete health check up cards (the tests which are not possible to conduct in the Press Club and can be done only in the hospital) for members and for their dependent, so do not miss to collect the cards.
This is an opportunity that you should not miss!!
For further details, please contact Lata Mishra- 9819800881
Lata Mishra
Secretary, Mumbai Press Club


Mumbai Press Club
Article posted on 25/09/2019

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