Safety guide for journalists in high-risk environments - new edition launched by Reporters Without Borders and UNESCO
On the occasion of the 5 February 2016 conference “News organizations standing up for the safety of media professionals” at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, Reporters Without Borders and UNESCO are officially launching the latest edition of the Safety Guide for Journalists: A handbook for reporters in high-risk environments.
The 130-page guide offers essential information and practical advice for journalists to assist them before, during and after an assignment in dangerous areas. This publication comes in a context of developing threats against media professionals, with more than 700 journalists killed in the past decade for reporting the news. In 2015, more than 105 journalists were killed, while many more were threatened, imprisoned or kidnapped for simply doing their work of bringing news and informing to the public.
“The Guide is an important body of knowledge and experience acquired over the years by journalists, news organizations and groups that campaign for freedom of expression,” according to Guy Berger, Director of the Division of Freedom of Expression and Media Development at UNESCO.
The Safety Guide for Journalists contains a wide range of essential information to enhance the safety of journalists. It stresses the importance of well-prepared planning before taking assignments in dangerous missions and gives essential tools for journalists. The guide is useful for all those who work in news and information and who report from hostile environments, such as conflict zones, violent demonstrations, riots and terrorist attacks.
The Safety Guide for Journalists - A handbook for reporters can be accessed online in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

Reporters Without Borders
Article posted on 08/02/2016
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