Tata Trusts helps Club member to fulfill his dream of circumnavigation by land
The dream of city journalist and Mumbai Press Club member, Vishnudas Chapke to complete the circumnavigation of the world by land got a boost when the Tata Trusts headed by the patriarch of Indian Industry Ratan Tata gave him a financial assistance of Rs 15 lakh.
An elated Vishnudas who began his journey from Mumbai in March 2016 and is currently travelling through El Salvador capital of San Salvador in Central America expressed his gratefulness at the gesture of the Tata trusts.
“This timely help from the Tata Trusts will enable me to fulfill my dream of completing the circumnavigation of the world by next year,” Vishnudas told from El Salvador. Vishnudas is son of a farmer from Marathwada.
Saturday morning Vishnu planted a tree sapling with Environment Minister of El Salvador Leen Pohl.
Vishnudas has already visited Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, China, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Honduras and will be covering the countries of … When completed Vishnudas will become the first Indian to complete the circumnavigation by road. Commander Dilip Donde and Captain Abhilash Tomy have completed such circumnavigation by sailing.

Mumbai Press Club
Article posted on 21/04/2018
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