#Metoo in India: Mumbai Press Club backs women journalists, demands action from employers, law enforcement
The Mumbai Press Club issued a statement on Saturday saying it stood in solidarity with the victims of sexual harassment. The press club posted the statement by its secretary Lata Mishra on its official Twitter handle late Saturday night.
"The Mumbai Press Club stands in solidarity with the women journalists who have accused some people in the profession and prominent personalities of sexual harassment," the statement read. "In the last two days, several women colleagues have narrated their woes in the media, particularly in the social media. We condemn such acts against our women colleagues and demand strict action from their respective employers and law enforcement agencies (in case individual cases have been reported to the police and other agencies)".
The statement added that the press club feels the issue needs comprehensive debate to not only discuss a way forward but also find effective solutions. "We are in the process of organising such an event. The date will be announced soon. We appeal to our members to send in their suggestions," the statement finished.
Story first appeared in FirstPost on Oct 6 2018

Mumbai Press Club
Article posted on 08/10/2018
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