Rescind Maharashtra Government Order Prohibiting Doorstep Distribution of Newspapers
MUMBAI, 18 April:
The Mumbai Press Club strongly opposes the decision of the Maharashtra Government to prohibit door to door delivery of newspapers, and urges the government to immediately withdraw it's notification on the subject.
Maharashtra chief secretary Ajoy Mehta on Saturday issued an order stating that, the print media is exempted from the lockdown from April 20.
However, the order has also prohibited door to door delivery of newspaper and magazines “given the extent of the spread of COVID-19”.
The state government order at this time of crisis will further bleed the newspaper industry. The order will only help put the final nail on the print industry's coffin. Newspapers for a long time have been a reliable source for information and in this time of crisis a much better source of authentic information.
This order will affect the entire print media industry and the journalist fraternity that has been relentlessly working on field to bring the latest happening to the readers. The journalist community is tirelessly working in life-threatening condition in the fear of Coronavirus pandemic.
If this order is not taken down, it will have an impact on the newspaper industry even after the lockdown is long gone. An order like this will instill fear in the minds of the readers and they might become averse to holding a newspaper.
Already the pandemic and the lockdown is bleeding the print media. The state government’s order will aggravate the situation.
There are several reports that clearly suggest that newspapers do not spread Corona. attaching few links here.
Money Control: Coronavirus rumours | Newspapers do not spread COVID-19, INMA cites scientific research (https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/coronavirus-rumours-newspapers-do-not-spread-covid-19-inma-cites-scientific-research-5079021.html)
Deccan Herald: Newspapers don't spread coronavirus: Health Experts (https://www.deccanherald.com/national/newspapers-dont-spread-coronavirus-health-experts-817243.html)
Times of India: Blocking newspaper delivery is a legal offence: Top lawyers
The Mumbai Press Club appeals the state government to re-think its decision and take back the order and let newspapers be delivered to the doorstep.

Mumbai Press Club
Article posted on 18/04/2020
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