MPC condemns attack on Arnab Goswami
The Mumbai Press Club condemns the attack in Mumbai by two persons on Republic TV founder, Arnab Goswami, and his wife when they were returning home yesterday night.
The attempt to stop his car, and throw ink and bang the car windows are violent acts probably intended to overawe or threaten Mr Goswami.
Such acts of violence have no place in a democracy and the MPC is opposed to any attempt to bully or pressure the functioning of a free press.
Two of the alleged attackers have been arrested. We call upon the Maharashtra government and Mumbai Police to speedily investigate the matter and bring to light the entire facts of the case, including charges by Mr Goswami that Congress workers are involved.
There can be no justification for violence and threats against the Fourth Estate.
However, we clarify our statement has no bearing on the stands taken by R TV or Mr Goswami.
Mumbai Press Club
23 April 2020

Mumbai Press Club
Article posted on 23/04/2020
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