Associate Members
Associate members - Category 1
A person who is working as a public relations manager/officer in a public sector company or in a company listed on any stock exchange in India or registered with a chamber of commerce and industry; or a person working in a nationalised bank or co-operative bank who is associated with the press in the discharge of his/her normal function, will be eligible to be an associate member of the Club provided his/her membership is sponsored and paid for by his/her employer.
Associate members - Category 2
Any person working as a communication/public relations manager / representative of a functioning public relations company or recognised advertising agency, manager in the advertising/public relations department of recognised print, internet and electronic media if sponsored by the employer as well as self-employed advertising consultants, is eligible for admission to this category.
Admission fees for associate membership shall be Rs.10,000 (rupees ten thousand) and annual subscription Rs.10,000 (rupees ten thousand), payable in advance. New members shall pay the subscription for the full year. The managing committee may, from time to time, revise the fees in view of the requirements of the Club. In the event of the associate member concerned changing the job, he/she can carry forward his/her membership to his/her new organisation, provided his/her previous employer has no objection.
Application for associate membership made in the prescribed form shall be considered by the Managing Committee. The number of members to be admitted from each Corporate or Government Body shall be determined by their importance, size and turnover but not exceeding three from one organisation.
The Managing Committee shall, on the basis of existing vacancies and the capacity of the Club to provide optimum services, determine the number of associate members to be admitted.
Further provided that at no stage, the total number of associate members admitted shall exceed 25 percent of the total number of ordinary members.