Corporate Members
This category of non-voting membership will be open to public and private limited companies with a turnover of Rs.10 crore and above.
The admission fee for corporate members shall be Rs.2 lakh. A corporate member shall be entitled to nominate a maximum of two representatives and will have to pay an annual subscription fee of Rs. 6,000 for each representative, which will be payable for the full year in which such application is made.
Corporate members will have the option of replacing or withdrawing their representatives by intimating the Club in writing. The managing committee may, from time to time, revise the fees in view of the requirements of the Club.
The monies raised by way of the admission fees charged to corporate members shall be set aside as a separate bank deposit. The Managing Committee shall have powers to utilise only the interest arising out of the above bank deposit for development activities. However, should such an extraordinary situation arise where a part of or the entire principal amount from the deposit money sought to be utilised, it shall be mandatory for the Managing Committee to seek prior approval of the General body, after providing item-wise details and justifying such expenditure. Such expenditure shall be utilised specifically for development purposes only.
Companies giving sponsorship money to the Club for specific purposes shall not be accorded corporate memberships in return.